Two Moments


“Two Moments” is Megumi’s random hidden blog about her random rambly non-nonsensical thoughts about whatever music she’s listening to at the moment. She posts erratically and usually makes absolutely no sense when she does so.  This is meant to remedy her lack of time of doing full reviews at Lost Wing and her compulsive downloading sprees. Tsuki appears as a guest writer now and then (and possibly in amusing MSN convos).

The title of this blog is from a Canadian novel named Fugitive Pieces, written by Anne Michaels.

If you take offense to my opinions and send hate comments, I will point and laugh. ❤

Who is Megumi?
Megumi is not her real name. The closest you’ll get to that is “Meg”, which from there, is pretty easy to guess the possible variants of that particular name (among the 30843095 spellings of said name). She is also not Japanese but some sort of other Asian. She is an university student that will have some sort of useless BA by the end of next year. She rambles and has terrible typing skills, and she knows it. Megumi enjoys listening to music while writing her never-progressing novel(s) while being her usual introvert self. She has a incomprehensible addition to musicals.

Tsuki is Megumi’s “older sister”, but not the type that’s related by blood. Asian people like to call each other brother and sister, which is why Megumi calls Tsuki her “Onee-chan” or “Jie Jie”, but mostly the former. Tsuki is only known as Tsuki on Lost Wing (or related blogs), so any Tsuki you see elsewhere is probably not her. Tsuki is amused by titrations and pipetting, playing 2D Fighters and fawning over Jeff Buttle.

Link Exchanges
FYI, I don’t exchange links for this blog at the moment. I only keep blogs that I regularly read on the links ;D. Although for the lulz, a banner!

1 Comment »


    HAY BB. I’ll add this one to my affies Meguuuu.

    Comment by radiantdawn — March 24, 2009 @ 1:40 am |Reply

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